
What To Wear To a Music Festival / Ko lai velk uz mūzikas festivālu

       The season of music festivals is upon us and I want to make sure that you’re equipped, because while the die-hard festival goers could care less what they wear during the event, others view it as a mini fashion-week. So as we countdown to a summer of music, here are some suggestions for this year’s festival circuit.

      Mūzikas festivālu sezona ir klāt, tādēļ vēlos pārliecināties, ka esi tai gatava, jo kamēr īstenajiem mūzikas festivāla fanātiem ir gluži vienalga ko vilkt mugurā, daudzi uz festivālu dodas kā uz mazo modes nedēļu. Un, kamēr vēl kāds laiciņš līdz pirmajam festivāla apmeklējumam ir palicis, esmu sagatavojusi tev pāris ieteikumus. 

1. A Hat
It’s not just about fashion. Keep safe from harmful rays & enjoy the festival without sun stroke.

1. Cepure
Tā kaplo ne tikai kā stilīgs aksesuārs, bet būsi pasargāta arī no saules kaitīgā starojuma. 

2. Boot-i-licious Footwear
After a few hours, the ground are covered with waste and dust or mud. Leaving feet uncovered is not the best way to travel between stages.

2. Zābakveidīgie
Parasti jau pēc dažām stundām, zeme ir klāta ar atkritumiem un putekļiem, vai pat dubļiem, tādēļ pārvietoties pa festivāla teritoriju ar atsegtām kājām nebūtu prāta darbs. 

3. Jacket 
Bring a jacket! While it may be hot during the day, it gets cool at night. 

3. Jaka
Paņem līdzi jaku, jo kaut arī diena būs karsta, naktī kļūs vēsi!

4. Mini Dress
Mini dress is an essential festival staple. It’s sexy, casual and fun.The mini dress is a great item to wear from day to night. If it gets too cold, just wear a nice jacket or cardigan over it.

4. Mini kleita
Mini kleita ir būtiska festivāla sastāvdaļa. Tā ir seksīga, ikdienišķa un jautra, un, kad paliek vēsāks, virsū var uzvilkt kādu interesantu žaketi vai jaciņu. 

5. Maxi Skirts and Dresses
 Flowy, sheer, printed, painted - maxi skirts and dresses are comfy and light enough for optimal movement.

5. Maxi svārki un kleitas
Maxi kleitās un svārkos ir viegli pārvietoties, un tu jutīsies ērti. 

6. Sunglasses
Needless to say, if it’s a sunny festival pull out your craziest and coolest sunglasses, protect yourself while looking fashionable. This year we’ll be seeing retro and vintage looking, 80′s inspired ones. 

6. Saulesbrilles
Lieki teikt, bet, ja festivāla diena ir saulaina, velc ārā savas trakākās un stilīgākās saulesbrilles, pasargā sevi un esi modīga. Šogad modē būs retro un vintage, 80 gadu stila brilles!

Coachella street style 2012 via Vogue, Harper's Bazaar


  1. Great pics:) I'm so there with you on bringing a jacket. I was at Coachella last weekend and nearly froze!

  2. Great post! Inspiring outfits <3 I need to get one more maxi dress!

    Check out my giveaway

  3. I loved the look, the dress is fantastic :D

  4. I just LOVE your channel!! thanks for commenting and stopping by mine :) I would love to follow each other...I hit follow immediately! :D

  5. Great post, good ideas!

  6. nice styles..i would go for the maxi skirts and dresses!! :-)
    i am following you

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  7. Great tips! and these are some amazing street style fashion!

    thank you for joining my giveaway.
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    accidental encounters : Lovisa GIVEAWAY


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